Spring Poetry Rain watch it live at this link at May 26 2012 18:00

Sidestreets is an independent, private organization formed in Nicosia, North Cyprus, to generate spaces of creative and critical engagement with language, the arts, and culture in general, by promoting social, cultural and artistic development within local, regional, European, and international frameworks.

Sidestreets events include art exhibitions and projects, poetry readings, film screenings and analyses, and seminars and round-table discussions with distinguished experts and professionals. Sidestreets also has an artists/ architects-in-residence program, and is working on a range of community initiatives.

Sidestreets also provides quality educational services to the local community such as English language courses, professional development workshops, and activities designed to raise public awareness of a wide variety of critical local and global issues, ranging from environmental concerns and preservation of the cultural heritage, to health and disease prevention, and the rights of marginalized groups.